Elliot James Guy Gardner

Born 18th July 2011, 8lbs 12oz

Little Boy - Lyrics and music composed by Grandpa


Little boy, You make it such a lovely day

It’s so nice, that you have come to stay

Little boy, sleeping.

Little boy, dreaming.

Little boy, may your dreams come true.


Little boy, you’re going to be a busy bee.

Lots to do, and lots to see.

Live your ambition

That is your mission

Little boy, make your dreams come true


At times there’ll be grey skies

When the sun doesn’t shine.

Just keep on going

Put steel in your spine


Then you’ll find, some wondrous things ahead.

Forest glades where you can softly tread

Mountains and Seas

You can go where you please.

Little boy, they’ll all be there for you