Here are some photos of my family. Family news is that my sister has had a baby, so that makes me a proud Uncle!!. Check out the Jack page. I am at present still in Weymouth, however I have been made redundant from BPB Wireline, for refusing to except there working conditions in Libya. Me and Louise have just finished a 7 month expedition around India, S.E Asia, Australia and South Africa, check out my travel page for more details, so I am now looking for a job! Sarah, Neil and Jack have moved to Kenilworth but Helen and Merv are still in London. Take care and drop me a line.


Sarah, Neil, Louise, Dave, Merv and Helen
Sarah, Neil, Louise, Dave, Merv and Helen

Dad, Lawrie                                                  .Mum, Jean
Dr  L.G Gardner                 Mrs J.E Gardner