Leeds Grammar &
The Fiction Factory

Leeds Grammar was founded in 1552 in the calls. It later moved up next to Woodhouse Moor. However in September 1997 the school is again moving, and is to be relocated at Alwoodley. Check out the offical Leeds Grammar School Web Site here.

I left Leeds Grammar School in 1988 from the 6th form, after being there for 10 years. During this time I was in the Micklemas and Thorton House's. I did cross country running, Scouts and backstage for the school play. I have included some real audio of the Fiction Factory which was the last play we did.

The Fiction Factory was written by Peter Cawley, with music added by Peter Hogan (I think). It was performed by LGS and LGHS in march 1987 in the new hall at LGS.

Here is Peter Cawley's review on the Backstage Crew


What a hard time of it you lot have had in recent weeks. They are variously called "ruffians", "good at building things but poor at putting things away", and the Lord only knows what else. The fact is that they have never missed either a construction or a dismantling deadline since I've worked with them. (The Staff Pantomime and "Twelfth Night" and "Fish In The Sea" have all had Saturday last nights and in all three cases the hall has been ready for use by l0.55 a.m. on Monday.)The fact is - they're tremendous, willing safe, capable, jocular, gutsy and painstaking lot - and it's a pity that they work so often when the rest have gone home, as, otherwise, nobody would have the audacity to criticise either them personally or their working methods and skills. And, just for the record, it was not this lad’s duty, in fact, to clear the set for House Plays: they did it because they saw the need for it to be done by someone Anyway, their immunised against ill-informed criticism by their knowledge of how good a team they are, and by their sustaining sense of comradeship and fun. Next year, though lads, I suggest you avoid the charge of being ruffians by wearing pin-striped suits to work. The quality of clothing really does leave solllething to be desired.

The Crew were
David Gardner, David Wagstaff, Martin Davison, Mark Freedman, Isobel Henton, Samantha Russell, Helen Swales, Caroline Moore, Steve Miron, Andy Baines, Adam Fraser, Phillippe Norry, Ali Enayati, Nicola Dickson, Haley Pearson, Roberto Magagnin

It is a musical story "four young people meet, when their parents decide to ship them off to the fiction factory, a place which promises to let them live out their fantasies"

Click here for musical extracts (you need real audio 3.0 or above)

The Fiction Factory Song


Scorpio Blues

Page by David Gardner