March 2007

Well the gaps between updates seems to get longer and longer, maybe because life really is so busy. Robert is now 19 months old and Katherine is 4 years old next week! We've moved back down to Chelmsford so we've just been through that new house chaos. I am still working for Britvic and I am back in technical development.  We are now living in a great little village called Pleshey  (20 minutes from Stansted if you need a parking space). Louise decided that she needed a break! so she has gone back to work doing one day a week teaching in Billericay. 

Katherine is doing ballet (like all little girls!) and loves painting, drawing and talking! She is also learning to swim and is making great progress. Robert is now running around and playing with great gusto he loves books and is just starting to mutter his first few words. Overall were well and happy.

Marc Carter & Claire Febvre both got married and both days were excellent. We've had a fair few holidays to Centre Parcs which is just so easy and child friendly as well as a holiday to Sicily (Cefalu) which was so good that were going back this year. Jennifer & Doug in the USA had a baby as did Mirella & Tim and Jeni & Jonathon.

Well I'm sure there so much more but that's all for now


August 2005

Well it been a long time since I've been able to get back onto my website and update life. Since the last news I got a new son, had very little sleep, sold the house we renovated, moved jobs, moved house to Norfolk, Louise has stopped working for the time, been on a fair few holidays, Charlie & Heidi have emigrated to Canada, Jennifer got married in Las Vegas and Marc is getting married the list goes on. Needless to say that why I haven't really got round to updating this. I guess the big news is the birth of Robert whom came out with passion in his lungs score top marks on the responsiveness scales at Birth, he was born through a C-section which didn't go quite to plan but mum and child are doing great now. I took a couple of week of but am now back to work. Katherine is going up fast and is definitely not a baby but fully fledge girl with lots of energy. However I am delighted to say that she is growing up to be a wonderful little girl whom I am very proud of (most of the time!).

I moved out of new product development but still work for Britvic. I now work as an operations manager for our Robinsons factory in Norwich. Its a great job if not a little bit hectic mainly because the majority of the people are just so positive and friendly. Interestingly we sometimes make over 10.5 million bottles of fruitshoot a week enough if lined up side to side to get to Newcastle and back, wow where does it all go. We live about 25 miles West of Norwich  in a barn conversion which is just an amazing house (it also didn't need any work hurray!), we have great neighbours and we love the country living. If you want to get in touch and don't have our number then my mobile is 0780 8098539 and you can contact us on MSN (email is on MSN we also have updated photos on My spaces (but you need to be on my contact list to see them). Anyway time to sign off please check out the photos and Robert page. 


March 2003

Well cant believe its been so long since we have added to the news. Well loads has happened in the last 18 months. Louise has given birth to a beautiful baby girl called Katherine Elisabeth, you can get the info and pictures of here here. It really was an amazing event which has certainly changed our lives, including going to bed at 8pm. The house is joust about complete its been a mammoth task. We have done a quick page so you can see how bad it really was at the start and a least a shot from the outside to see the progress, click here. Nothing has really changed on the job front Dave is still working for Britvic in new product development, and has finally finished Freekee Soda which is now on the market at last, let him know if you see any. He is also still trundling up to Hartlepool on a regular bases, still handy for seeing Louises parents in Newcastle and Dave's in Leeds. Louise has been working at G. Totham but is now on maternity leave till a couple of weeks prior to the summer, after which she is going back 3 days a week. The rest of our extended family is doing well, dave's sister Helen had a little girl a year ago who is full for energy and unfortunately Louise's great uncle Jimmy passed away a few days before his 80th birthday. Dont forget that We are now using MSN messanger service which is brilliant you can download it from MSN here if you do not already have explorer 5.5 or above and add us to your contacts using This also our permanent email address or you can use 

Dave's mobile number is still 0780 809 8539 and Louise has a new number 0797 3825609 with fancy photo messaging on so get in touch.


June 2001

Howz it going. Well we decided that it was time for an update. So what have we been upto? Finally sold the flat in Weymouth, which was great but also a little sad. After much searching we found a detached house in the country. It has 3 bedrooms and views out of the fields. It does however need plenty of TLC as well as a bit of sledge hammering and paint. Still we are getting there and the lounge kitchen and bedrooms are finished. Anyway enough of the middle aged house stuff. 

Louise is reaching the grand young age of 30 but is still reading Mr Men books! We are having a house warming on the 9th of June so if you haven't had an invite then please drop us a line. If you havent got our phone number then please drop us an email at or give me a call on the mobile 0780 8098539.

December 2001

Hello again folks sorry for the lack of updates so far this year. Well what are we up to. We are just about to sell are flat in Weymouth and are looking at buying around Chelmsford. Wedding have been more scarce this year however Louise's brother Andrew married Fiona in Saint Albans. and Clare smith down in Weymouth married Julian Rinaldi at Eype in Dorset. Both were cracking events and Louise got to play bridesmaid at both. We have had a couple of holidays firstly in Egypt and then Italy in the summer. Dave is still based in Chelsmford although most weeks involve a trip up to Leeds. We have decide to stay at home this Christmas for the first year and are sharing Christmas day with Louise W and Stuart from Warwick. This will involve lots of food, mould wine, a log fire and a couple of trip down to the swan, arh! We are now using MSN messanger service which is brilliant you can download it from MSN here if you do not already have explorer 5.5 or above and add us to your contacts using My mobile number is now 0780 809 8539 and Louise has my old number 0797 1589330 so get in touch.

The Dawn of a New Millenium

Well we are now offically going to stay in Chelmsford for a while. Dave job as project engineer has been made permenant, and Louise is continuing at Great Totham Primary school. Dave is now walking fairly normally although he is still continuing with Physio for a while. Playing Rugby is no longer on in his list of priorities. The local Pub is hold a ball in the summer so any one fancying attending a Summer Ball then please let us know. Thanks to everybody who attended our party  on the 1st it was good to see you all. If you weren't invited then please check our email address web page, to make sure your email address is correct, if not then please let us know. We now have video cam enabled, using Our email is so if you have a cam then let us know.

We are planning on selling our flat down in Weymouth and hopefully buying a house up in Essex. Rob and Petra have now had there baby boy call Antony and Vicky and Antony have a baby girl called Grace.

My mobile number if you want to get in touch is 0780 8098539. 


If you have any interesting news please let me know here