Great Books

This Weeks Thought

1) Good to Great - Jim Collins

    2) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey



3) Now Discover you Strengths - Marcus Buckingham (At the heart of the book is a free internet based strength finder profile which is accessed through a unique number printed in each book. A must for anyone developing themselves or others)         Ps you need this book to use strengths finder 2,0 on line



4) Richard Branson's Auto biography
Great Books 5) Brilliant Memory - By Memory Champion Dominic O'Brien
Great Audio Books 6) Think & Grow Rich - By Napoleon Hill
About Me

7) Freakonomics - Stephen Levitt

Contact Me 8) Getting Things Done - David Allen

9) The Machine That Changed the World - The Story of Lean Production

Other books I mentioned can be found here



10) Watching the English - Kate Fox