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A special deal for readers "THE ACHIEVERS EDGE"
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For years, Monterey, California, was filled with fish canneries. For the pelicans this had been paradise for generations, as they had been able to feast on the fish that were discarded rather than having to catch for their own. However as time went by the fish stocks reduced, and the canneries one by one began to close. As the canneries closed, the availability of easy fish vanished forever.
Now this shouldn't have been a problem for the pelicans, because although there wasn't enough fish for the canneries there was more than enough fish in the sea for the pelicans and pelicans are great fishers. They dive into the water with their huge beaks, plucking the fish out from the waves.
But these pelicans had never fished, this skill had been lost generations ago. Their easy meals were all gone and now on by one the pelicans began to die of starvation.
Fortunately the environmentalists figured out a Warren Buffet solution. Warren suggestion (in the famous Gates Buffet interview) that the best advice for being successful is to look at the people you admire and model their behaviours (not skills).
So the environmentalist imported pelicans from another area. Pelicans that were used to fishing and mixed them with the local birds. The newcomers immediately started fishing for their own food and before long the starving pelicans followed their example. Avoiding extinction by learning to fish for themselves.
Interestingly I think its unlikely that the pelicans understood that that they need help to learn to fish. Like us we don't always know the skills were missing until we start modelling some of the great behaviours of the people we admire. Till next week enjoy spending time with people who you admire
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