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 Think & Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
 Good to Great - Jim Collins
 Psychology of Achievement - Brian Tracy
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 7 Habits of Highly Effective- Stephen Covey
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 Getting Things Done - David Allen
A Short History of Nearly Everything- B Bryson

 First Impressions in less than 30s!


Reading Time 1 minutes & 56 seconds    For a Podcast of this thought please click here Or iPod & iTunes - Users Click Here


The chat up

I guess we’ve all been single but back in the days when I tried chatting girls up my line of

Hi I’m Mr Right I believe you were looking for me”
Wasn't very successful


So I decide to investigate how long we have to make a good first impression.


My research concluded that the common view is that it takes between 7 and 30 seconds to make a first impression.

I was amazed at how little time that is!


So I thought I'd  search out "how to make a good first impression"

The search found over 29 million articles on Google alone.


After reading some of these articles,  I conclude that the advice all boils down to (in order)

How you look,

How you listen,

How you sound,

and the words you use.


But what if the first 30 seconds don't go that well, such as my old chat up line

So I went back to Google and I searched " how to change a first impression" but surprisingly I couldn't find any articles or advice on this.

So it appears there are no quick wins or simple tips on how to change a first impression.

Interestingly first impressions don't just apply to face to face meetings, they apply to everything; including emails, phone calls, presentations and reports.


So if there is an opportunity to consider and prepare the first impression you want to leave someone with, this action is likely to have a great level of return..

Till next week make some great impressions


Thanks for listening

David Gardner


 Recommended Books


 Good to Great - Jim Collins 
  7 Habits - Stephen Covey
  The Automatic Millionaire -David Bach
  Discover you Strengths - M Buckingham 
  Richard Branson's Auto biography
  Brilliant Memory - Dominic O'Brien
  Think & Grow Rich -  Napoleon Hill 
  Freakonomics - Stephen Levitt
 Getting Things Done - David Allen
 The Machine That Changed the World
 Watching the English - Kate Fox
A Short History of Nearly Everything- B Bryson


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