March 27th, 125

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This site is a Personal Development site which is designed to help us think. As the writer & thinker Bernard Shaw said

"Most people don't take the time to think. I made an international reputation for myself by deciding to think twice a week."

This site takes just 2 to 3 minutes to read or listen to (via the podcast) every week and it's free. The site doesn't tell us what to think, but it purpose is to direct our thoughts down new roads. The Thoughts are based on material from great authors like Brian Tracy, Napoleon Hill, Steven D Levitt, John Elliot, Dave Allen, Jim Collins, Peter Thompson plus many more, coupled with a little bit of my own thinking. In addition I have chosen my favourite resources which are accessible from the menu on the right. I hope you enjoy this weeks thought (below) and don't forget to check out the archives (below) for any thoughts you've missed. Till next week -  David Gardner 


THIS WEEKS THOUGHT   The Bluebird Experience - 9th September 2007

Reading Time 2 minute 48 seconds    FOR A PODCAST OF THIS THOUGHT CLICK HERE  Or To Subscribe Here


Bluebird K7 Bluebird bitte

The sky was dark blue stretching over a perfect mountain range above the quaint village of Coniston. I was sitting at the toe of the "Old Man of Coniston" which just happens to be a pub "The Black Bull", sipping a smooth golden pint of "Bluebird Ale". It was a very different scene from what I had just experienced. I had been on the lake viewing a scene that had happened thirty years earlier. It was the 4th January 1967 and  Donald Campbell was racing down the lake,  he was attempting to break his own water speed record of 267mph, he opened up the throttle and the boat cruised across the measured mile at 298mph. He had completed the first run but to gain the official stamp would have to return back up the lake at the same speed. Without hesitation Donald swung the boat around, deciding for the first time not to refuel after the North / South run. He opened up the throttle and headed back up the lake. He reached the first marker at 328 mph (a speed not repeat even to this day). He said "Pitching a bit down here...Probably from my own wash...Straightening up now on track...Rather close to Peel Island...Tramping like Full power...Tramping like hell here... I can't see much... and the water's very bad indeed...I can't get over the top... I'm getting a lot of bloody row in here... I can't see anything... I've got the bows up... I'm going...oh..." and the boat somersaulted back into the lake, killing Donald and his dreams instantly.

The cause of the crash has been attributed to Donald not waiting to refuel after doing a first run and hence the boat being lighter and the wash from his first run not having time to flatten.

Now there are loads of ideas and thoughts you can get out of this profound story. But back in the pub I sipped my Ale and wondered what had been going through Donald's mind as he flung the boat back round without stopping. Had he considered the risks verses the benefit associated with this action, and if he hadn't considered this, would he have made a different decision if he had..

Then a self realisation hit me. How often do fail to consider the risk v benefit case of my actions, what about that risky overtake I did or that impulsive comment I made. How often, before I take action, do I give myself those precious seconds to consider the risks I am about to accept..

I shuddered, do you?

Till next week consider you actions

David Gardner

 Recommended Audio CD's
By Peter Thompson
More Great CD Programs
 Think & Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
 Good to Great - Jim Collins
 Psychology of Achievement - Brian Tracy
 Discover Your Strengths - M Buckingham
 7 Habits of Highly Effective- Stephen Covey
 Rich Dads Secrets - Robert Kiyosaki
 Maverick Mindset - John Elliot
 Vocal Power - Roger Love
 Quantum Memory - Dominic O'Brien
 Getting Things Done - David Allen
A Short History of Nearly Everything- B Bryson


 Recommended Books

 Good to Great - Jim Collins 
  7 Habits - Stephen Covey
  Discover you Strengths - M Buckingham 
  Richard Branson's Auto biography
  Brilliant Memory - Dominic O'Brien
  Think & Grow Rich -  Napoleon Hill 
  Freakonomics - Stephen Levitt
 Getting Things Done - David Allen
 The Machine That Changed the World
 Watching the English - Kate Fox
A Short History of Nearly Everything- B Bryson



Bluebird - A pint of Ale &  water speed record

Visualising an Argument with Alien Bowling

Old Friends lead to New Thoughts

Bad Driver

Space Shuttle designed on a horses backside

Back to the Future

The Mexican Boatman & "Harvard MBA".

The World in Perspective

Acres of Diamonds

First impressions in 30s

The Two Minute Rule

 Noughts and Crosses

 Think and Grow Rich

 3 Blind Men & An Elephant
Someone Everyone Anyone No-one
12 Questions to High Performance
The Bee Can't Fly but No-one told the bee
The Maverick Mindset of Baseball
Three Men and a Boat
Two Cannibals & a Beautiful Girl
The Meaning of Life  
What was your name again?
Two Frogs
Is Common Sense Possible
An Architects Vision
Does Edison Turn Your Light On


Other books and CDs I've mentioned can be found here

There are loads of great audio programs at Nightingale Conant's ,web site here,