March 27th, 125

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Life Balance the Da Vinci Way - WEEK 38

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Gary Larson: Door usability, school of the gifted


I was flicking though an old carton book when I came across this cartoon sketch from Gary Larson.

I thought how true to life it was.

Yes how often I act like the gift schoolboy, trying to solve my problems by pushing harder and harder

Spending more and more time at work.


As Leonardo Da Vinci said.  

"Every now and then go away, have a little relaxation, for when you come back to your work your judgment will be surer. Go some distance away because then the work appears smaller and more of it can be taken in at a glance and a lack of harmony and proportion is more readily seen."


So my colleagues and me took a couple of days out of our hectic schedules. It was incredible what we were suddenly able to see and understand.


So rather than just working harder and harder, burning the candle at both ends, trying to do more in an already busy life. Why don’t you get away from your desk, work or computer and give your gifted self, the time to see the sign on the doors of your problems.


Till next week, get things done the intelligent and easy way.


David Gardner


 Recommended Audio CD's
By Peter Thompson
More Great CD Programs
 Think & Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
 Good to Great - Jim Collins
 Psychology of Achievement - Brian Tracy
 Discover Your Strengths - M Buckingham
 7 Habits of Highly Effective- Stephen Covey
 Rich Dads Secrets - Robert Kiyosaki
 Maverick Mindset - John Elliot
 Vocal Power - Roger Love
 Quantum Memory - Dominic O'Brien
 Getting Things Done - David Allen
A Short History of Nearly Everything- B Bryson


 Recommended Books

 Good to Great - Jim Collins 
  7 Habits - Stephen Covey
  Discover you Strengths - M Buckingham 
  Richard Branson's Auto biography
  Brilliant Memory - Dominic O'Brien
  Think & Grow Rich -  Napoleon Hill 
  Freakonomics - Stephen Levitt
 Getting Things Done - David Allen
 The Machine That Changed the World
 Watching the English - Kate Fox
A Short History of Nearly Everything- B Bryson



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The Mexican Boatman & "Harvard MBA".

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 Think and Grow Rich

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What was your name again?
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An Architects Vision
Does Edison Turn Your Light On


Other books and CDs I've mentioned can be found here

There are loads of great audio programs at Nightingale Conant's ,web site here,