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"Welcome. This is a non profit website*
with over 57,000 podcasts downloaded to date. These downloads are designed
to help you make the most from life. There are 52 thoughts, one for every
week. The stories take just 2 to 3 minutes to read and
best of all they're free. In addition there some great links to my
favourite resources all of which I have and personally recommend. Also why
don't you bookmark the page because I will be adding new thoughts and
resources when time allows." David Gardner
* Any profit
is donated to
charity (children in Need) so please use this site to order your resource.
5th -
The frog and the Scorpion
12th -
19th -
How to lead your kids or colleagues
26th - The future is here
2nd -
The Key Skill in Life - Rapport
9th -
Do you want less stress and more time
16th -
Why we're late!
23rd -
Throw out your rule book
2nd - Acres of Diamonds
9th -
You only have 30s to make a first impression
What's hardwired into your brain
23rd -
The Pelican's followed Buffets advice
30th -
Three blind men and an elephant
6th -
Common Sense
13th -
Everyone Someone Anyone and No-One
20th -
Zealots, opponents and golden supporters
27th -
Twelve questions to high performance
4th -
Are you a premium brand
11th -
A holiday with a billionaire
18th -
bee can't fly but no one told the bee
25th -
4R's of NLP
1st -
The Maverick Mindset of Baseball
8th -
Two Cannibals and a Beautiful Girl*
15th -
Sorry what was your name again?
22nd -
A Tale of Two frogs
29th -
Is there such thing as Common Sense
6th -
An Architects' Vision
13th -
Does Edison turn your light On?
20th -
27th -
Einstein Factor
3rd - Is
getting divorced an easy decision?
10th -
Hudson Bay Start
17th -
The Miss
World Quiz
24th -
The Road is better than the Inn
31st -
Did the Elephant Remember?
7th -
How to Live on 24hrs a day
14th -
Water in
the Brain
21st -
Jamie's Food for Thought
28th -
The World in Perspective
5th -
Who Made
the World?
12th -
The Latte Factor
19th -
The Fox
and the Hedgehog
26th -
Life Balance the Da Vinci Way
2nd -
A Boy
called No
9th -
Bluebird - A pint of Ale & water speed record
16th -
Visualising an Argument with Alien Bowling
23rd -
Old Friends lead to New Thoughts
30th -
Bad Driver
7th -
Space Shuttle designed on a horses backside
14th -
A Mathematician, a magician and a croupier
21st -
The Mexican Boatman &
"Harvard MBA".
28th -
Betchaican the Wiseman Way
New Years Eve - Old Lang Syne